Time Liberators: Techniques to Free Up Time and Enjoy Life

Time Liberators: Techniques to Free Up Time and Enjoy Life

Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done. Do you ever feel like you’d like to have more time to do what you actually want to do instead of what you have to do? I’ve discovered a few time-saving tricks to help...
Peace is a choice

Peace is a choice

We are the masters of our inner domain, which means that peace is a choice. We choose what we think about. More importantly: we choose how we react to situations. Whatever occurs in our lives is one part of our experience. Our reaction to it is the other part. However...
5 Ways to Feel Better Now

5 Ways to Feel Better Now

Sometimes when we feel down it seems to last forever, and we want feel better now. That’s why it felt fitting to share a few simple, easy ways to quickly shift your mood and energy. Clean something. When life feels challenging cleaning and decluttering can be...
My #1 Tool for Demolishing Your Demons

My #1 Tool for Demolishing Your Demons

If I showed you my #1 tool for demolishing your demons would you be interested? All is well. Even if it doesn’t feel like it is. Especially if it doesn’t feel like it is. We get caught up in clinging to the idea that things should be a certain way, which build walls...
Summer Meditation: The Light Within

Summer Meditation: The Light Within

As we soak up the warmth of abundant summer sunlight, there’s no better time to reflect on the light within us.  When we are aligned with our Highest Self, we radiate that light in everything we do. Each of us holds the potential to nurture and cultivate the...