Start With The Heart



The heart is the very center of our being, and the powerhouse of emotion. It is a muscle that keeps time, circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, and holds the key to our ongoing emotional state. It is also the first place to focus our awareness, so that we can tune in to where we are at at any given time, on any given day. In a sense, then, it is the very core of where any dance begins. Dance can be used to examine and express our dynamic emotional state, and by doing so, our movement becomes a moving meditation.

Seeing often comes at the expense of tuning into to alternate senses. so in order to feel where your heart is at, begin by closing the eyes. Place your focus on your heart center and examine what is there. Does it feel tight or expanded? Warm or cold? Anxious or relaxed? No matter what the feeling may be, it is the starting point for self-expression in dance.

Once you have clarity about your present state of mind, begin to ask yourself how to translate this into movement. If the feelings are intense, then the movements will most likely match, being more staccato, sharp, angular. If the feelings are soft, then the movements will reflect that.

Every so often, we need an alternate emotional outlet for self-expression, and dance can fulfill that role. Consider using dance as a therapeutic salve, a means of moving energy out of the body, and a map to connect us with our higher selves. When we need a way to say something important, sometimes it’s easier to let our body do the talking.

Treat yourself to visiting the next blog in our chain:

1 Comment

  1. kathy stemke

    Your heart center is very important to feel. Thanks.


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