Peace is a choice


We are the masters of our inner domain, which means that peace is a choice. We choose what we think about. More importantly: we choose how we react to situations. Whatever occurs in our lives is one part of our experience. Our reaction to it is the other part.

However we choose to react affects our inner state, for better or worse.

Every time we are pulled off center by something that occurs in our lives we pay the price. Think of how long it takes for you to feel calm and centered again after irrupt Ing reactively. It may take hours or even days before we feel peaceful again. Isn’t that they heavy price to pay?
Some reactions may be so habitual and automatic that they don’t feel like choice. This is especially true when we feel attacked or threatened. Remaining calm and centered in these moments can feel like the hardest work in the world. Our ego mind wants to fight back. To judge and condemn. To see the guilt in the other person. To be right.
But is there any peace there? What is the cost to our own well-being?
Ultimately it becomes a question of whether or not we are willing to pay that price. It’s not about condoning another person’s behavior, but rather choosing to remain calm and centered in spite of it. We choose peace.
It’s about caring so much for our own sense of well-being that we aren’t willing to react in a way that negatively affects us.
If another person exhibits loveless behavior, it has very little to do with us and everything to do with them. Their behavior is a product of everything they have experienced up until that moment.
Consider what someone must be going through in order to behave in such a manner. How much pain they must be experiencing.
We can still have boundaries. We can still say what needs to be said. But we can say it in such a way that it doesn’t end up costing us.
Don’t get hooked by another’s loveless behavior. Stay centered in your own goodness.
We are the masters of our inner domain. We hold the keys to our inner peace, to our feelings of well-being.
Are you willing to pay the price of giving this up?

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