Summer Meditation: The Light Within


As we soak up the warmth of abundant summer sunlight, there’s no better time to reflect on the light within us.  When we are aligned with our Highest Self, we radiate that light in everything we do. Each of us holds the potential to nurture and cultivate the light within us. When we do, our lives are naturally more joyful, and we move ever higher on the upward spiral of self realization and fulfillment.

The beauty of golden, end-of-day light reflects the beauty within us.

The golden light at the end of the day is unlike any other. The entire world glows, the colors are more vibrant, especially skin tones. During my years as a wedding and portrait photographer, this was my favorite time of day to capture portraits. We humans take on an otherworldly beauty when we’re bathed in end-of day-sunlight. Every cell of our being illuminates. Each and every one of us is radiant in that light.

We all enjoy the longer days of summer. Regardless of whether or not the sun is out we are radiant whenever we shine the light within us. We have this capacity at any moment, so long as we remember and choose to do so. The more we remember to live from this place, the stronger that light within us grows. Eventually this way of being becomes our new normal.

There is an eternal flame in our hearts.

Each of us has an eternal golden flame in our heart. It’s always burning, night or day. It never goes out, even if we forget it’s there. It’s the home of our Higher Self, the place where our most noble human qualities reside… goodness, kindness, compassion, and many others. It’s the home of our purest, deepest love, and the truth of who we are.

Sometimes we forget. Life gets busy, our attention goes off in a million directions, and we don’t realize or remember that this truth. The call of activities and responsibilities can easily overpower the small, quiet voice of steady wisdom within us. Unless we take time to regularly reconnect and replenish ourselves with the light within us, the flame grows dimmer.

Noticing when we are connected to or disconnected from our inner light.

We instinctively know when we’re connected to the light within us. We feel it. We’re peaceful, happy, feeling good about ourselves. Our lives flow with ease and grace. Conversely, when we’re out of alignment with our inner light, we feel it just as strongly, sometimes even more. We don’t feel good when when we do or say things we later wish we hadn’t. At times it feels painful.

A morning routine keeps us on track.

Having a regular morning routine keeps us on track. Just like building muscles by going to the gym, a morning practice helps us build our inner strength and inner light. As author Marianne Williamson says, we are “building our attitudinal muscles.” Beginning the day with 5 minutes of sitting in silence, meditating on the light within your heart, sets you up to carry it through the rest of your day.

Instead of starting your day by immediately reaching for your phone or turning on the TV, begin with prioritizing your peace and well-being. Starting the day in silence is a gentle transition. It’s also the simplest and easiest way to replenish ourselves by reconnecting to our inner light.

How much we have to offer the world when we remember this one simple thing. When we shine our light, we touch everyone we meet, whether they are conscious of it or not. The more we remember to be that light, the stronger it grows within us, and the more joyful our lives become.

The benefits of a morning routine.

When we honor and cultivate the light within us:

• We feel calm, centered and peaceful

• Our relationships improve

• We’re able to easily connect with our inner wisdom and make better decisions

• We’re more effective in everything we do

• We experience more ease and flow in our lives

• We feel better, and we feel better about ourselves

Think about it. Likely you’ve known someone who was so peaceful, warm and loving you just loved being around them. Maybe it was a grandparent, a teacher, or some other special person in your life. Their love and acceptance felt so good, you wanted to be in their company as often as possible. When we live from that place of being aligned with our inner light we are magnetic.

Everyone has this light in their eyes.

The light within is also visible anytime we look into the eyes of another human being. Have you ever noticed?  There’s a golden glow in the center of our eyes, where the flame of the soul flickers and shines. If you haven’t ever noticed this before, I encourage you to experiment and see for yourself. Likely you will begin to see it in everyone you meet.

When we focus and share the light, rather than the darkness, in ourselves and others, life unfolds in miraculous ways.

How about you? How often do you recognize, remember, nurture and share the golden light that lies within you?

Enjoy the gift of summer light and the light within.

As you enjoy the next few months of summer sunshine, I hope you remember your own precious golden heart and the light within you.  May it  burn ever brightly.

To celebrate the golden light of summer I created this special mini-meditation just for you. You can download it HERE.

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